Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Iowa Institute for Social Action

The annual Iowa Institute for Social Action is to be held on Sunday and Monday, Jan. 14th and 15th, at Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart Church in Ankeny. John Carr, head of the U.S. bishops’ conference’s department on social development and world peace, will be the keynote speaker both days. This is a great way to learn about social justice in the Catholic Church! Breakout sessions include “how to’s” for forming a parish social action ministry, Rachel’s Ministries, the Iraq war, the ethics of stem cell research, food and farm policy, energy and climate change and more. The cost is $40 (including a dinner and awards banquet). Visit www.iowasocialaction.org or call (515) 237-5041 for more information. The workshop is sponsored by the Iowa Catholic Conference, the four dioceses of Iowa and the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Free Podcasts for Advent from Fr. Ron Rolheiser!

FREE DAILY ADVENT REFLECTIONS FROM RON ROLHEISER!Beginning Sunday December 3, 2006 through the end of Advent Oblate Media is
“Pod Casting”
"Daybreaks: Daily Reflections for Advent and Christmas,"
Written by Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser. Go to our homepage at

Just click on the words, "Click here.” You’ll be taken directly to the pod-cast. Click on today's date and you'll hear today's reflection. You may also listen to any previously posted reflection by clicking on those dates. If you click on "Subscribe"and fill out the short form, you will receive a daily email reminder that a new Advent reflection is up and ready to download.


January Thaw is coming. Come join our interfaith educational opportunities on January 16 and 23rd at Dowling High School. The Des Moines Area Religious Council, the Jewish Federation and St. Joseph Educational Center are pleased to offer the following courses for your midwinter fellowship and educational enjoyment.

TUESDAY COURSES – JAN. 16 - 7:00 – 9:00 P.M.

Rabbi David Kaufman, Temple B’nai Jeshurun

Imam Ibrahim Dremali, The Islamic Center of DM

SYMBOLS IN CLAY Teri Breck, Art Instructor at Dowling Catholic High School (this class will be limited to 15 participants)

James Benzoni, Attorney

FINISHING WELL – A MEDICAL AND LEGAL PERSPECTIVE Dr. Norma Hirsch, Associate Medical Director of Hospice of Central Iowa; Ms.Deanna Clingan-Fischer, Attorney Iowa Dept. of Elder Affairs

TUESDAY COURSES – JAN. 23 - 7:00 – 9:00 P.M.

THE THIRD GOSPEL WITH THE THIRD WORLD Father Jim Laurenzo, St. Catherine of Sienna

COMMANDMENTS OF THE LORD: HOW THE MITZVOT ARE ORGANIZED Mark Finkelstein, Executive Director, Jewish Community Relations Commission

Dr. Dennis Goldford, Political Science Professor, Drake University

A panel of religious leader

COMBINED TUESDAY COURSES - JAN. 16 & 23 – 7:00 – 9:00 P.M.

MUSIC DIVERSITY WORKSHOP (Jan. 16) Elsie Naylor, Director of the Diversity Chorus and Music Director of the Urbandale United Church of Christ
MUSIC WITHIN THE JEWISH TRADITION (Jan. 23) Laura Berkson, Cantorial Soloist, Temple B’nai

(Jan 16) Daniel K. Miller, Executive Director and General Manager of IPTV
(Jan. 23) Craig Anderson, PhD Psychology ISU
Stephanie Ayres, Adult Education and substitute teacher, DM Public Schools

Kathy Adams, ARNP,HNC; Jim Bell, MD; Kathry Reardon, RN, CHTP

ENNEAGRAM Marcie Sheaffe


NAME _________________________________________ _____
I wish to be a Volunteer _____ Tuesday (1/16) ____ Tuesday (1/23)



Telephone ______________________

E-mail address _______________________________________________________

Place of Worship (if applicable)

Send me future brochures by __ E-mail __Postal

COURSE – January 16: COURSE - January 23



COMBINED Sessions ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Fee enclosed $_______ ($20 Registration Fee)

Make check payable to January Thaw Mail To:

Des Moines Area Religious Council
3816 36th St.
For more Information telephone: 277-6969 Des Moines, IA 50310

Refreshments provided by Zanzibar’s Coffee, 2723 Ingersoll Ave.

Friday, October 06, 2006

JANUARY THAW--January 16 & 23, 2007

gdmsiListed below you will find the slate of presentations to be offered at this year's modified January Thaw. The event will be held at Dowling Catholic High School in West Des Moines. Registration information will be available soon!

Introduction to Language
Contemporary Perspectives on Spirituality and Health
Finishing Well - A Medical & Legal Perspective
Finishing Well - Religious Perspective
Creation and its interpretations in Judaism
Christian Scriptures
Sharia Laws
Workshop on Diversity Chorus
Symbols in Clay
An Examination of the Religion Clauses in the First Amendment
Immigration Issues
Media and Youth: Issues and Challenges
Appropriate Viewing Habits for Children

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


The schedule for online courses available through the University of Dayton’s Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation is available on their website at http://vlc.udayton.edu/. Simple access the site and click courses and then calendar!

AFF Coordinator's Meeting Schedule and Notes!

Good Morning,
It was good to be able to spend time with some of you yesterday at St. Theresa’s. For those unable to join us, know that you were missed.

Below please find the dates, times and locations for the future gatherings of the Adult Faith Formation Coordinators group.

JANUARY 11, 2007 Waukee, St. Boniface 10:00 am-12 noon

MARCH 8, 2007 Altoona, SS. John and Paul 10:00 am- 12 noon

MAY 10, 2007 Ankeny, Amy Hoover’s home….labyrinth Time tba

There was discussion at the meeting about the draft of the 5 year Master Plan for Catechesis in the diocese. This draft and the consultation report form were sent to you via email prior to the meeting. Please forward any comments regarding the plan, using the report form, to me by the end of next week (Friday, October 13)

Additionally, we had a good discussion about our joining in with the Catechetical Leaders Association of the Diocese of Des Moines (CLADD) group and participating in their regularly scheduled meetings. The group seemed to be in consensus that joining in those gatherings would be beneficial for us as AFF coordinators and for the folks whose primary ministry is the catechesis of children. The next scheduled meeting for the CLADD group is in November. More information will follow.

Please consider participating in the ZENI FOX workshop on October 19th at All Saints parish in Stuart. Registration information is available on the web. http://www.dmdiocese.org/files/documents/1072_1%20zeni%20fox%20flyer.pdf As lay ecclesial ministers in the church today, I am sure you will find her presentation inspiring and renewing. I would love to see you all there!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


To: Parishes in the Des Moines area

This is a reminder about the ICN session this Thursday evening, for RCIA coordinators and team members in the diocese---

All RCIA coordinators and directors of the diocese are invited to an evening of conversation about adult initiation:

Thursday, September 28
7:00 to 9:00 PM
via the Iowa Communications Network (ICN)

The focus for the conversation:

What are the resources RCIA coordinators and teams need, to improve skills and procedures?
How can we network with one another, for the benefit of all?

Please forward this reminder to the RCIA coordinator and team members of your parish.

{In the Des Moines area, the ICN site will be at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 6th and Grand, DM.
Participants may park on the streets or in the diocesan parking lot (across 6th Ave. from the pastoral center).}

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

University of Dayton on-line courses for 2007

The calendar is set! Course options are listed!
A cyber-world of faith formation opportunities exists from the comfort of your own home...sit with your slippers on your feet and a hot cup of coffee in the wee hours of the morning or relax at the end of the day and feed your soul from the comfort of your deck...the technology is user-friendly and the atmosphere created is truly of a community gathered...check it out today!

RCIA Sponsor Workshop

Here’s advance word of an upcoming RCIA workshop in the diocese:

“RCIA Sponsors and Godparents: Inviting them, Supporting them, Forming them”
Saturday, November 4, 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Sr. Gael Gensler will be the presenter.
Registration fee: $20/person, or $50 for three or more from the same parish

Monday, August 07, 2006

Creighton Ministry Program

Office of Lay Ecclesial Ministry, Diocese of Des Moines • formation@dmdiocese.org • 515/237-5026

Diocese of Des Moines and Creighton University
now co-sponsor the Certificate Program in Ministry

“Reading the Old Testament”—
the Fall 2006 course for the Certificate Program—
begins August 25!

The Creighton Certificate Program in Ministry, supported by the St. Joseph Educational Center since 1986, is now
co-sponsored by Creighton University and the Diocese of Des Moines. In this way, the Certificate Program will be
a valuable resource to even more parishes and pastoral ministers throughout the diocese.

This mailing provides up-to-date information about the certificate program and its Fall 2006 course.
Enclosed is a brochure about this fall’s course, “Reading the Old Testament.” The course will be taught by Fr. Jim Laurenzo, a former director of St. Joseph Educational Center and currently pastor of St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Student Center at Drake University.

Dates for the course, “Reading the Old Testament”

Registration and the first class session will be Friday, August 25. You may register between 5:00 and 6:00 pm; the class session will be held 6:00 to 9:00 pm that same evening.

The class will continue on six Saturdays, including the next day—Saturday, August 26. The additional Saturdays are: September 16, September 30, October 28, November 11 and December 2.

The September 30 class session will be held through the ICN (Iowa Communications Network).

Location for the class sessions

The class sessions will be held at All Saints parish center, Stuart. The new parish center provides a comfortable setting for the sessions and enables people from various parts of the diocese to participate more easily. (The one exception is the September 30 session; it will be held through the ICN—Iowa Communications Network.
Various ICN sites that are conveniently located will be reserved for that day.)

Two books required for the course

There are two texts for this course: (a) Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction by Lawrence Boadt and
(b) The Catholic Study Bible, Second Edition, Donald Senior and John J. Collins, editors.

Students need to order these books in advance; they are available at discount through online services such as Amazon or Borders.


Tuition and fees, scholarship, matching funds

Creighton’s tuition rate and registration fee for the course are:
Tuition, for credit: $298 per credit hour (for a 3-credit course, $894)
Tuition for audit: $149 per credit hour (for a 3-credit course, $447)
In addition, the registration fee is $78.

Scholarship for students registering for credit.To each person registering for credit, Creighton provides a Wes Wolfe Scholarship, in the amount of $125.
Matching funds for parish support.We encourage registrants to approach their parish communities about sharing the cost of the cost, since your participation in the Certificate Program will benefit the parish and its ministries. When a parish shares in the costs for this course, the diocese will match that amount to a maximum of $100.

Summary of the costs for the Fall 2006 course:
If for credit, tuition and fees— $972 (tuition plus registration fee)
- $125 (Creighton’s Wes Wolfe scholarship)
- $100 (parish contribution, approx.)
- $100 (maximum diocesan matching funds)
= $647 actual tuition and fees
If for audit, tuition and fees— $525 (tuition plus registration fee)
- $100 (parish contribution, approx.)
- $100 (maximum diocesan matching funds)
= $325 actual tuition and fees

Please indicate if you intend to register for the course—

PLEASE INDICATE BY AUGUST 15 if you intend to register for the course “Reading the Old Testament.”

To do so, you may

Send an email message to formation@dmdiocese.org about each of two items:
“Yes, I plan to register for this Certificate Program in Ministry course, Reading the Old Testament”
“Yes, I will utilize the matching funds available to match my parish’s share in the cost.”

Please share word of the Certificate Program and this Fall 2006 course with others!

Is there someone else in your parish who would want to participate in this course and others? Share news about the Certificate Program and “Reading the Old Testament” with them! It’s easy to do. Here’s how:

Go to the diocesan web page— www.dmdiocese.org —and click the “Faith Formation” button. The Certificate Program brochure is posted there for viewing or printing.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Creighton University’s “Certificate Program in Ministry”

For twenty years, Creighton University, Omaha, and St. Joseph Educational Center, West Des Moines, have co-sponsored a “Certificate in Ministry” program. This partnership has provided a valuable resource to the Des Moines area parishes and other parishes of the diocese, providing a cycle of theology and ministry courses. Through the twenty years, many teachers, catechists, DREs, youth ministers and pastoral ministers have utilized the Certificate program and its offerings.

For information and details about this opportunity to continue your growth in faith and leadership formation, please visit the diocesan website at www.dmdiocese.org/index.aspx?menuitemid=519

Friday, July 07, 2006

IRMS Educational Consultant Sought

Iowa Religious Media Services is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Educational Consultant. IRMS is an Iowa-based ecumenical resource center providing access for its members to a collection with over 7500 titles in an assortment of media. The Educational Consultant performs a variety of duties including public relations and promotions, consultation with a multi-denominational client base regarding their resource needs, oversight of the screening and purchasing of new additions to the collection, and the maintenance of the IRMS web site as well as other IT functions.
A more detailed position description may be downloaded from this link. Salary is commensurate with experience.To learn more about this position and to apply, go to www.irms.org and click on the link under Employment Opportunity.
Iowa Religious Media Services is an important ministry of the Des Moines Diocese.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Zeni Fox

Professor, Pastoral Theology,
Immaculate Conception Seminary, Seton Hall University

Varieties of Gifts, But the Same Spirit, Varieties of Ministries,
But the Same Lord (I Corinthians)

In the Church today, we have a renewed unfolding of this vision of ministry. Why is this so? What are the gifts of this moment? The challenges? We will explore answers to these questions, drawing on Scripture, Church documents (including Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord) and the experience of lay and ordained leaders in the Diocese of Des Moines, and the church in the United States.

Thursday, October 19, 2006
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
All Saint’s Parish Hall
216 All Saints Drive, Stuart, Iowa 50250

$25.00 per person, morning hospitality and lunch included

For more information: 515-237-5058
Email: formation@dmdiocese.org
Web: http://www.dmdiocese.org/
Then click “Faith Formation”

Zeni Fox workshop • registration form

First Last

Address: Street City State ZIP

Telephone: (______) (day) (______) (evening)



¨ Register me for the October 19 workshop with author Zeni Fox @ $25.00 each

Send completed form and payment to:
Diocese of Des Moines, Faith Formation - Sherri
601 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50309

Ø Total Enclosed $__________

Thursday, May 18, 2006

North American Forum on the Catechumenate Institute in Ankeny in July!

Focus on Initiation: "Concerning the Baptized" RCIA resource days Co-sponsored with North American Forum on the Catechumenate and The Diocese of Des Moines, IA. Thursday-Saturday, July 20-22, 2006. Meeting Facility...Our Lady's Immaculate Heart Parish, 510 East First Street, Ankeny, IA 50021, 515/964-3038
Concerning all the baptized adults we welcome-
the Catholics preparing for confirmation,
the fellow Christians to be received into the Catholic communion,
the adults baptized but never formed as Christians-
Are they similar to the Catechumens, or different? Are their journeys to the Eucharist all the same?
Information and brochures...Department of Faith Formation, Diocese of Des Moines, 601 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA 50309, www.dmdiocese.org then "Faith Formation" or formation@dmdiocese.org or 515/237-5058.


Iowa Religious Media Services is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Educational Consultant. IRMS is an Iowa-based ecumenical resource center providing access for its members to a collection with over 7500 titles in an assortment of media. The Educational Consultant performs a variety of duties including public relations and promotions, consultation with a multi-denominational client base regarding their resource needs, oversight of the screening and purchasing of new additions to the collection, and the maintenance of the IRMS web site as well as other I-T functions. A more detailed position description may be downloaded from this link. Salary is commensurate with experience.To learn more about this position and to apply, go to www.irms.org and click on the link under Employment Opportunity.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Sr. Diana Ortiz at Drake; St. Catherine's!

Speaking Truth to Power: Confronting the Role of the
U.S. in Supporting Acts of Torture Around the Globe - Sr. Dianna Ortiz, OSU
Saturday, May 6, 2006
10am- 12 noon
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Student Center
Drake Newman Community
1150 28th St.
Des Moines, Iowa
After making her final vows as an Ursuline nun, Sister Dianna Ortiz became a missionary in Guatemala in 1987 and dedicated herself to teaching the Mayan children of San Miguel Acatan. This simple decision would place Dianna in the heart of unforeseen and incredible danger and alter the course of her life.
In Guatemala, while working with people who had been victimized by one of the most oppressive regimes of Latin America, she received warning to stop her work and to leave the country. She did not heed the warning. As a result, on November 2, 1989, she was abducted and forced to endure unspeakable horrors of torture. While under torture Sr. Dianna made a promise to those whose screams of pain she heard: "If I survive, I will never forget you. I will tell the world what I have seen and heard."
Despite grave personal suffering, Sr. Dianna did not succumb to her daily nightmares and flashbacks. Neither did she forsake the vow she had made in solidarity with the thousands of innocent Mayans and other Guatemalans who had suffered torture and murder. She has confronted her ordeal by speaking out against torture and seeking the truth about the extent of torture and murder, its perpetrators and the role of governments, both of Guatemala and the United States, by filing lawsuits, giving interviews, and testifying at length before investigators of multiple United States government agencies. In 2002, her courage and determination resulted in the publication of her memoir, _The Blindfold's Eyes: My Journey from Torture to Truth_. This enormously difficult task required reliving her nightmares to detail the shattering effects of torture on her life, and the lives of other victims, her long slow journey towards healing, and her efforts to bring her perpetrators to justice, while the governments of Guatemala and the United States sought to protect them.

Workshop at St. Joseph Educational Center Next Weekend!

Program on Sacramental Healing
Saturday, April 29th
The St Joseph's Educational Center is pleased to present Fr. Bruce Morrill, S.J., of Boston College, on Saturday, April 29th, in the media center (library) of Dowling Catholic High School, 1400 Buffalo Road, West Des Moines. Fr. Morrill will be giving five, one-hour lectures on "Divine Worship and Human Healing.' The lectures begin at 9:00 a.m. There is a break for lunch (noon to 1:30), and the lectures resume from 1:30-3:30 p.m. The public is welcome to attend any or all of the lectures. Lunch is not provided. It is not necessary to pre-register; simply show up the day of the lectures. There is a suggested donation of $20, but no one will be turned away.

The gospels portray Jesus as a teacher and healer, two crucial activities entwined in his prophetic mission. Empowered by the Spirit of the Risen Christ, the Church continues the mission of glorifying God by witnessing to the paschal mystery revealed in the life-stories of human brokenness and healing-the very heart of the Christian liturgy. Divine Worship and Human Healing theologically unfolds how the people's pastoral-liturgical work of healing and reconciliation discloses God's love and mercy amidst the community of faith. Engaging such concerns as forgiveness, illness, grieving, and death, the class explores the type of knowledge about God and the human condition that emerges in practicing the Rite of Penance, Pastoral Care of the Sick, and Order of Christian Funerals.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Triduum and Easter Blessings

Praying that you, your families and your faith communities know the blessings of God in real and profound ways this season. As a friend and colleague of mine in Madison, Wisconsin said in an email today, "Let us claim the resurrection!"


You're Invited!

You are invited to participate in an Easter retreat day, "Many gifts, but the same Spirit." Sponsored by the Diocese, this retreat day is especially for people engaged in pastoral ministries and leadership with their parish communities.

The retreat day will be held Saturday, April 29, at Creighton Retreat Center, near Griswold. There will be hospitality from 8:30 a.m., opening prayer at 9:30 a.m., and the day will conclude by 3:00 p.m.

The retreat day will be led by Marie Hilton, director of liturgical ministry and formation at Creighton University, Originally from Shenandoah, Marie was pastoral minister at Queen of Apostles parish, Council Bluffs, before joining the campus ministry staff at Creighton.

Pre register by April 21, by email (formation@dmdiocese.org) or by telephone (515/237-5058). There is no fee for the retreat day; a donation for lunch will be accepted.

A flyer about the retreat day is available on the diocesan web site: Go to www.dmdiocese.org, then click "Faith Formation." For more information, contact the Office of Lay Ministry Formation (515/237-5058).

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

St. John's Bible Presentation in Ankeny!

Sunday, March 5, 6:00pm in the Banquet Room at Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart Church in Ankeny we will be exploring the Illuminated Bible, the first handwritten Bible in 500 years. Brian Woods from Liturgical Press will be here to give a presentation and we will have on hand a full size reproduction of Gospels and Acts and some of the Illuminations from the Pentateuch. The Bible is written in beautiful calligraphy and wonderfully illustrated. Contact Amy Hoover at 964-3038, amy@olih.org for more information.

Monday, February 06, 2006


An exhibition of the illuminated Bible
now through Easter Sunday, April 16
at the Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha

Since March 2000, scribes and artists in Wales have been meticulously handcrafting The Saint John’s Bible, the first illuminated Bible commissioned since the advent of the printing press more than 500 years ago. Commissioned by Saint John’s University and Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota, and under the artistic direction of Donald Jackson, one of the world’s foremost calligraphers, the Saint John’s Bible and this exhibition offer a glimpse at the process of incorporating ancient art forms with modern techniques in a celebration of the traditional arts
of bookmaking and modern science and sensibility.

While the manuscript is still in progress, this exhibition gives a revealing glimpse of the tremendous undertaking and celebrates book, art, and scripture. Illuminating the Word features nearly 100 pages from the first three finished volumes (Gospels and Acts, Pentateuch, and Psalms) of The Saint John’s Bible. The pages selected for the exhibition display the exquisite contemporary renderings and medieval craftsmanship of this project, scheduled for completion in 2007. Additional items in the exhibition are Jackson’s process sketches, tools from his scriptorium in Wales, as well as other manuscripts, Bibles, and art from special collections at Saint John’s University.

Admission to Illuminating the Word: The Saint John’s Bible is included in general Joslyn Museum admission. Groups of 10 or more with reservations receive a discount of more than 20%. All school groups with reservations are free. Call (402) 342-3300 ext. 206 or e-mail groupsales@joslyn.org.

General Museum admission: $7 Adults, $5 Senior citizens (62+) and college students (with ID),
$4 Youth (5-17), Free children four and younger and Joslyn members.
Free admission on Saturdays from 10 am to noon

Hours: Tuesday through Saturday, 10 am-4 pm; Sunday, noon- 4 pm;
closed Mondays.

Guided tours: Docent-led public tours of the exhibition, free with admission, are offered on the following dates:
Wednesdays (Jan. 25; Feb. 1, 15; Mar. 1, 15, 29; Apr. 12) and Saturdays (Jan. 28; Feb. 11, 25; Mar. 11, 25; Apr. 8).
Tours meet in the atrium just prior to 1:00 PM.

Extensive resource materials are available for congregations, catechists, schools, groups:

Teacher packets: Contact the Joslyn Museum: 402/342-3300, extension 250
DVDs and videotapes: available through IRMS, 515/277-2920 or www.irms.org
Materials online: www.saintjohnsbible.org or www.joslyn.org/index.html

Stations of the Cross Resource from Joann Kimmel

At the last CLADD East gathering, Joann Kimmel mentioned a resource that she wanted to share. The link for the Stations of the Cross and Gifts of the Spirit she was speaking about is www.cornerstonemedia.org. (This is the same group that Anna Scally works with...see the previous posting about Anna)

Friday, February 03, 2006

IRMS Celebrations in April and August

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Iowa Religious Media Services, the ecumenical media resource that serves many of the main line Protestant denominations in the state of Iowa as well as the Catholic Diocese of Des Moines. April 30, 2006 there will be a re-covenanting service, whereby the congregations and denominations who partner to create IRMS will commit again to this ecumenical project.

On August 26th there will be another opportunity to celebrate as IRMS presents a formational opportunity with appeal to everyone who serves the ministry of faith formation. More information will be available on the IRMS website soon. Please visit www.irms.org for additional information.

Lenten Resources

Here are two resources for individuals, parishes and groups in the season of Lent. Both provide a good process for faith sharing and prayer by groups large or small; both are simple to use and inexpensive. An added advantage: both are built around the Sunday lectionary's readings for Lent, cycle B.

1. Annual Lenten issue of Today's Parish magazine. This year's Lenten issue is called “Renewing Our Covenant with God.” The sections include one focused on Ash Wednesday, one for each of the six Sundays of Lent, and an introduction to Triduum. (In addition, reflections based upon the lectionary cycle A readings for Sundays 3, 4, and 5-used when the scrutiny rites for the Elect are celebrated-are also provided.)
This annual Lenten issue by Today's Parish is widely used and 'user friendly.' It can be utilized by an individual or a small group. It can even be the framework for one or more large group session/ soup supper during Lent.
Cost: less than 100 copies, $2.49 each; 100-250 copies, $2.29 each.
For a free sample or to order, contact Twenty-third Publications-
email ttpuvs@aol.com
web www.twentythirdpublications.com
FAX 800/572-0788
phone 800/321-0411

2. Weekly group resource written by Fr. John Ludwig (St. John Parish, Norwalk). This process is intended for small-group use during the season of Lent. The materials include a weekly direction for the group convener or leader; a sign up form for distribution; the weekly Sunday lectionary's readings for cycle B; reflection questions and prayer materials for the group session. It can be utilized by a small group and can even be the framework for one or more large group session/soup supper during Lent.

Cost: available free of charge to parishes and staffs.
Sent electronically (31-page WORD document) as E-mail attachment.
To receive the file, send an E-mail request to: cfournier@dmdiocese.org or
Father Ludwig

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

North American Forum on the Catechumenate Opportunity

Thursday-Saturday, July 20-22, 2006
“Concerning the Baptized”

A Christian initiation institute
with North American Forum on the Catechumenate

Concerning all the baptized adults we welcome—
§ the Catholics preparing for confirmation,
§ the fellow Christians to be received into the Catholic communion,
§ the adults baptized but never formed as Christians—

Are they similar to the Catechumens, or different?

Are their journeys to the Eucharist all the same?

— Information and brochures —
Department of Faith Formation • Diocese of Des Moines • 601 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA 50309
http://www.dmdiocese.org/, then “Faith Formation” • formation@dmdiocese.org • 515/237-5058

Sr. Donna Steffen here in March!

For RCIA Coordinators, Catechists, Sponsors & Teams —
“Discerning Disciples”

An afternoon workshop with Sr. Donna Steffen, S.C.
Author of Discerning Disciples: Listening for God’s Voice in Christian Initiation

Sunday, March 19, 2006 • 1:00 – 5:00 PM
St. Mary of Nazareth Parish Center, DM
Registration fee $15

Sr. Donna Steffen, S.C. is an educator and spiritual director in Cincinnati and a member of the North American Forum on the Catechumenate. She has been a director and consultant for Christian initiation on a parish, diocesan, and national level.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Christian Initiation presentation with Gerard Ausitn, O.P

Christian Initiation - Fr. Gerard Austin, O.P.
Saturday, February 4, 2006
9am-12 noon
Dowling Catholic
High School Media Center

($20 suggested donation but no one will be turned away)

The sacraments of Christian initiation whereby one becomes a Christian - baptism, confirmation, and first communion - have undergone significant changes throughout the Church's history.We will begin by examining the roots of Christian initiatory practice in the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament and the unified rite of the early Church, including the catechumenate and the question of infant baptism.
The unified rite of the early Church, however, suffered disintegration: communion was separated from initiation, the interval between birth and baptism was significantly shortened, and the interval between baptism and confirmation dramatically increased.
The liturgical reforms of the twentieth century renewed the catechumenate as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), but questions remain concerning the sacrament of confirmation, the present attempt at "Restored Order," and what role the eucharist will play in future developments in Christian initiation.

Fr. Gerard Austin, a priest of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans), holds a doctorate in liturgical studies from l'Institut Catholique de Paris. He teaches at The Rice School for Pastoral Ministry in the Diocese of Venice in Florida. Previously he taught for thirty years at The Catholic University of America. Fr. Austin is a past president of the North American Academy of Liturgy and the 2002 recipient of the University of Notre Dame's Michael Mathis Award. He is the author of Anointed with the Spirit: The Rite of Confirmation (Liturgical Press/Pueblo Books, 1986), and editor of Fountain of Life: NPM Studies in Liturgy and Church Music (Pastoral Press, 1991), as well as numerous book chapters and articles concerning the sacraments of initiation and ministry.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Information regarding Anna Scally

At the most recent CLADD meeting in Urbandale, folks were asking about good Catholic media for youth. I mentioned dj and speaker, Anna Scally. Here is the information you were asking about that day!

Anna Scally is the President of Cornerstone Media, Inc., in Santa Rosa, California. Anna is an inspiring workshop and youth rally speaker, youth ministry training consultant, and a disc jockey.
She is a columnist for Cornerstone Media’s Top Music Countdown quarterly poster, and also the host for the audio show Burning Issues, dealing with relevant youth topics. She was M.C. of the catechetical sessions for 77,000 young people at Mile High Stadium in Denver for World Youth Day.

Cornerstone Media, Inc. P.O. Box 6236Santa Rosa, CA 95406, USA

Phone: (707) 542-8273Fax: (707) 542-8278Email: cormedia@aol.com

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Fr. Ron Rolheiser here in April!

We are pleased to be able to welcome author, spiritual director and internationally known speaker Fr. Ron Rolheiser to the Gateway Center in Ames, Iowa April 2-3, 2006. This event is being cosponsored by the 4 Iowa Dioceses. The conference title is The Community of Disciples in a Complex Time. More information is available by following the link http://www.dmdiocese.org/files/documents/468_brochure%20dm.pdf .

We on the diocesan faith formation staff believe Fr. Rolheiser's presentation will challenge and encourage each of us on our personal journey and all of us on our collective journey. Please consider adding this event to your THINGS TO DO THIS LENT list!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Retreat Opportunity with author, Kathy Coffey

Kathy Coffey, mother of four, author, presenter, retreat leader will join us for the annual retreat for Catechetical Leaders (and others) looking for God in the midst of winter’s sometimes barren days. Kathy will share with us her wit and wisdom, humor and humanity, sensitivities to the spirit and sense of the sacred in all of life’s moments.

Her many printed works include:
Immersed in the Sacred: Discovering the “Small S” Sacraments; Hidden Women of the Gospels; God in the Moment: Making Everyday a Prayer; Women of Mercy; and Experiencing God With Your Children

Proposed Schedule

Thursday, February 9

9:30 am Gather
10:00 am Session One
Noon Lunch
1:00 pm Session Two
6:00 pm Dinner
7:30 pm CLADD Meeting and Social

Friday, February 10

8:00 am Breakfast
9:00 am Session Three
Noon Closing Prayer

The retreat will include time for input as well as time for personal reflection.

Room reservations are the responsibility of each participant. Please contact the Hotel Pattee and be sure to mention the Diocese of Des Moines.

Room charge is $119.00 + tax
Hotel Pattee
1112 Willis Avenue
Perry, Iowa 50220
1.888.424.4286 or

Cost for the retreat, including food, materials and social is $60.00 per person.

Registration fee increases $10.00
February 1, 2006

Contact Sherri Simmer, secretary for Faith Formation to obtain a registration form at ssimmer@dmdiocese.org or 515.237.5058.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Chronicals of Narnia

(A colleague of mine in another Diocese created this synopsis and the questions for discussion; I post them here for your reflection and use)


“Contemporary Communications media do not merely transmit information, they generate visual, audible, emotional, and in some cases, entirely virtual experiences for individuals and communities. Well-planned catechesis must employ these media so that the message of Jesus Christ can be effectively communicated in the real circumstances and culture of those who seek him.” National Directory for Catechesis, p. 287

On December 9, 2005, Disney will release The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. For many this will provide an opportunity to revisit an enchanting story that they read as children or adults, but for many others it will be their first time visiting the world of Narnia. The Christian author of this eight book series is C.S. Lewis. Those who have read the series know that the books touched the depths of their lives, helped them to learn about good and evil, and develop new insights about the power and meaning of salvation.

Through imaginative stories, C.S. Lewis, with his knowledge of Jesus Christ and the biblical imagination, helps people to grow in their understanding of many truths found in the scriptures. The Chronicles of Narnia will help children and adults grow in their understanding of some of the great theological and spiritual truths of our Catholic faith.

The Chronicles of Narnia are about the adventures of Edmund and Lucy, and their coming to know Aslan the lion. In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, C.S. Lewis wrote: “In reality however he (Aslan) is an invention giving an imaginary answer to the question, ‘What might Christ become like, if there were a world like Narnia and He chose to be incarnate and die and rise again in that world as He has done in ours.” C.S. Lewis in A Letter to A Friend.

The story begins when Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy tumble into the land of Narnia through a mysterious wardrobe, into a world of talking beasts, dwarfs and other wonderful creatures. The children discover that Narnia is in bondage, held captive by the evil White Witch, who made it winter all the time. There were prophecies about the end of the Witch’s reign when Aslan the great Lion, Son of the Emperor-Beyond the Sea, would return to Narnia. Upon reading, a story in a story is discovered for the story is really about the Gospel and our salvation. It’s a story of a personal salvation, sacrifice, redemption, restoration, and reconciliation. The story also shows the power of sin and its consequences, and how important it is to have a reverence of God.

There are many spiritual treasures to be discovered in reading the book, viewing the movie, and having family or small group discussions. The movie is a great opportunity to help families and parishioner use the media in a positive way to discover spiritual truths and ways to grow in their Catholic faith.

Discussion questions for: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

What did you like best about the film or book?

How does the film or book relate to your own experiences of good and evil?
What stories of scripture does this story relate to?

Do some of the characters in the movie relate to Biblical characters? Who and why?

Have you had experiences that mean more than meet the eye, where the truth is discovered in the meaning and not the facts?

What are the consequences of sin, or how would you define sin and its effects in the Christian community?

Which aspect of the story relates to your experience of good and evil?

Which character in the story do you like best and why?

Why is it difficult for people to admit wrong? What would happen if people could be open about their mistakes and not hide them?

Sacrifice means doing something for another and not expecting something in return. We often sacrifice for others in our daily lives. What are some examples of how people sacrifice for others? What are some of the fruits of sacrifice?

Trust and obedience are key aspects of faith. How does God ask us to do things we don’t want to do, and what are the implications of such actions?

What religious truths have you discovered for your own life in this story, and how will it impact your actions and behavior?

The following resources can help parents and parishes discover some of the spiritual truths of The Chronicles of Narnia:

▪ A Guide to Narnia: 100 Questions About the Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Ascension Press, http://www.ascentionpress.com/.

▪ A Family Guide to Narnia: Biblical Truths in C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicle of Narnia. Christin Ditchfield, Crossway Books, 1300 Crescent Street, Wheaton, IL 60817.

Just a reminder that the documentary concerning the St. John's Bible project will air tonight on IPTV at 8:00 p.m.