Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Advent web sites to share

Steve Dressel in Waukee asked that this list be shared. He recently sent this out to members of his faith community in email form...thanks for the list, Steve!

Advent is here, and here are some great websites to explore (or to visit
briefly) about this season of preparation. You should be able just to click
on them below, but if that doesn't work, copy & paste them (or type them)
into your address line on your browser.
Prayers and customs of Advent and Christmas by a Precious Blood priest.
Daily reflections, prayers, and explanations of dates and occasions during
Advent and Christmas
Follow a star for a new song/picture each day on the Advent Calendar.
Daily reflection, activity and peacemaking idea and other great links from
the Franciscans.
Explores meanings of texts and traditions of Advent.
Advent Calendar of activities for Social Justice.
Links to several other great Advent sites.

May you experience the peace and hope of our Emmanuel this blessed season!

Advent Happenings

Advent is here and many of the parishes have wonderful opportunities for ongoing faith formation. Listed below is what Holy Trinity in Des Moines has to offer.

Holy Trinity Catholic Church will present ADVENT PRAYER IN WORD AND
MUSIC on Wednesday, December 14, at 7:00 p.m. in the church at 2926
Beaver Avenue in Des Moines. Come and join us for prayer, music, and
reflection during the season of Advent. For one evening put away the
hurry of getting ready for Christmas, and let the peace and joy of
Emmanuel, God-with-us, be part of your life. Everyone is welcome.


Welcome to the Blog for Adult Faith Formation in the Diocese of Des Moines! It is my hope that this web log will be an avenue for us to continue to share information and ideas with each other concerning formation initiatives for adults. I will periodically post articles or blurbs on the blog and you will always have the opportunity to add comments...the comments can take the form of conversation strands, information sharing or event updating.

Hopefully this blog will be an added means for us to engage each other in resource sharing while continuing our own formation without taking additional time for meetings and travel. Perhaps folks who are not able to join us when we gather will be able to enter the conversation with us on line as their time permits!