Tuesday, January 31, 2006

North American Forum on the Catechumenate Opportunity

Thursday-Saturday, July 20-22, 2006
“Concerning the Baptized”

A Christian initiation institute
with North American Forum on the Catechumenate

Concerning all the baptized adults we welcome—
§ the Catholics preparing for confirmation,
§ the fellow Christians to be received into the Catholic communion,
§ the adults baptized but never formed as Christians—

Are they similar to the Catechumens, or different?

Are their journeys to the Eucharist all the same?

— Information and brochures —
Department of Faith Formation • Diocese of Des Moines • 601 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA 50309
http://www.dmdiocese.org/, then “Faith Formation” • formation@dmdiocese.org • 515/237-5058

Sr. Donna Steffen here in March!

For RCIA Coordinators, Catechists, Sponsors & Teams —
“Discerning Disciples”

An afternoon workshop with Sr. Donna Steffen, S.C.
Author of Discerning Disciples: Listening for God’s Voice in Christian Initiation

Sunday, March 19, 2006 • 1:00 – 5:00 PM
St. Mary of Nazareth Parish Center, DM
Registration fee $15

Sr. Donna Steffen, S.C. is an educator and spiritual director in Cincinnati and a member of the North American Forum on the Catechumenate. She has been a director and consultant for Christian initiation on a parish, diocesan, and national level.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Christian Initiation presentation with Gerard Ausitn, O.P

Christian Initiation - Fr. Gerard Austin, O.P.
Saturday, February 4, 2006
9am-12 noon
Dowling Catholic
High School Media Center

($20 suggested donation but no one will be turned away)

The sacraments of Christian initiation whereby one becomes a Christian - baptism, confirmation, and first communion - have undergone significant changes throughout the Church's history.We will begin by examining the roots of Christian initiatory practice in the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament and the unified rite of the early Church, including the catechumenate and the question of infant baptism.
The unified rite of the early Church, however, suffered disintegration: communion was separated from initiation, the interval between birth and baptism was significantly shortened, and the interval between baptism and confirmation dramatically increased.
The liturgical reforms of the twentieth century renewed the catechumenate as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), but questions remain concerning the sacrament of confirmation, the present attempt at "Restored Order," and what role the eucharist will play in future developments in Christian initiation.

Fr. Gerard Austin, a priest of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans), holds a doctorate in liturgical studies from l'Institut Catholique de Paris. He teaches at The Rice School for Pastoral Ministry in the Diocese of Venice in Florida. Previously he taught for thirty years at The Catholic University of America. Fr. Austin is a past president of the North American Academy of Liturgy and the 2002 recipient of the University of Notre Dame's Michael Mathis Award. He is the author of Anointed with the Spirit: The Rite of Confirmation (Liturgical Press/Pueblo Books, 1986), and editor of Fountain of Life: NPM Studies in Liturgy and Church Music (Pastoral Press, 1991), as well as numerous book chapters and articles concerning the sacraments of initiation and ministry.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Information regarding Anna Scally

At the most recent CLADD meeting in Urbandale, folks were asking about good Catholic media for youth. I mentioned dj and speaker, Anna Scally. Here is the information you were asking about that day!

Anna Scally is the President of Cornerstone Media, Inc., in Santa Rosa, California. Anna is an inspiring workshop and youth rally speaker, youth ministry training consultant, and a disc jockey.
She is a columnist for Cornerstone Media’s Top Music Countdown quarterly poster, and also the host for the audio show Burning Issues, dealing with relevant youth topics. She was M.C. of the catechetical sessions for 77,000 young people at Mile High Stadium in Denver for World Youth Day.

Cornerstone Media, Inc. P.O. Box 6236Santa Rosa, CA 95406, USA

Phone: (707) 542-8273Fax: (707) 542-8278Email: cormedia@aol.com

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Fr. Ron Rolheiser here in April!

We are pleased to be able to welcome author, spiritual director and internationally known speaker Fr. Ron Rolheiser to the Gateway Center in Ames, Iowa April 2-3, 2006. This event is being cosponsored by the 4 Iowa Dioceses. The conference title is The Community of Disciples in a Complex Time. More information is available by following the link http://www.dmdiocese.org/files/documents/468_brochure%20dm.pdf .

We on the diocesan faith formation staff believe Fr. Rolheiser's presentation will challenge and encourage each of us on our personal journey and all of us on our collective journey. Please consider adding this event to your THINGS TO DO THIS LENT list!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Retreat Opportunity with author, Kathy Coffey

Kathy Coffey, mother of four, author, presenter, retreat leader will join us for the annual retreat for Catechetical Leaders (and others) looking for God in the midst of winter’s sometimes barren days. Kathy will share with us her wit and wisdom, humor and humanity, sensitivities to the spirit and sense of the sacred in all of life’s moments.

Her many printed works include:
Immersed in the Sacred: Discovering the “Small S” Sacraments; Hidden Women of the Gospels; God in the Moment: Making Everyday a Prayer; Women of Mercy; and Experiencing God With Your Children

Proposed Schedule

Thursday, February 9

9:30 am Gather
10:00 am Session One
Noon Lunch
1:00 pm Session Two
6:00 pm Dinner
7:30 pm CLADD Meeting and Social

Friday, February 10

8:00 am Breakfast
9:00 am Session Three
Noon Closing Prayer

The retreat will include time for input as well as time for personal reflection.

Room reservations are the responsibility of each participant. Please contact the Hotel Pattee and be sure to mention the Diocese of Des Moines.

Room charge is $119.00 + tax
Hotel Pattee
1112 Willis Avenue
Perry, Iowa 50220
1.888.424.4286 or

Cost for the retreat, including food, materials and social is $60.00 per person.

Registration fee increases $10.00
February 1, 2006

Contact Sherri Simmer, secretary for Faith Formation to obtain a registration form at ssimmer@dmdiocese.org or 515.237.5058.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Chronicals of Narnia

(A colleague of mine in another Diocese created this synopsis and the questions for discussion; I post them here for your reflection and use)


“Contemporary Communications media do not merely transmit information, they generate visual, audible, emotional, and in some cases, entirely virtual experiences for individuals and communities. Well-planned catechesis must employ these media so that the message of Jesus Christ can be effectively communicated in the real circumstances and culture of those who seek him.” National Directory for Catechesis, p. 287

On December 9, 2005, Disney will release The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. For many this will provide an opportunity to revisit an enchanting story that they read as children or adults, but for many others it will be their first time visiting the world of Narnia. The Christian author of this eight book series is C.S. Lewis. Those who have read the series know that the books touched the depths of their lives, helped them to learn about good and evil, and develop new insights about the power and meaning of salvation.

Through imaginative stories, C.S. Lewis, with his knowledge of Jesus Christ and the biblical imagination, helps people to grow in their understanding of many truths found in the scriptures. The Chronicles of Narnia will help children and adults grow in their understanding of some of the great theological and spiritual truths of our Catholic faith.

The Chronicles of Narnia are about the adventures of Edmund and Lucy, and their coming to know Aslan the lion. In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, C.S. Lewis wrote: “In reality however he (Aslan) is an invention giving an imaginary answer to the question, ‘What might Christ become like, if there were a world like Narnia and He chose to be incarnate and die and rise again in that world as He has done in ours.” C.S. Lewis in A Letter to A Friend.

The story begins when Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy tumble into the land of Narnia through a mysterious wardrobe, into a world of talking beasts, dwarfs and other wonderful creatures. The children discover that Narnia is in bondage, held captive by the evil White Witch, who made it winter all the time. There were prophecies about the end of the Witch’s reign when Aslan the great Lion, Son of the Emperor-Beyond the Sea, would return to Narnia. Upon reading, a story in a story is discovered for the story is really about the Gospel and our salvation. It’s a story of a personal salvation, sacrifice, redemption, restoration, and reconciliation. The story also shows the power of sin and its consequences, and how important it is to have a reverence of God.

There are many spiritual treasures to be discovered in reading the book, viewing the movie, and having family or small group discussions. The movie is a great opportunity to help families and parishioner use the media in a positive way to discover spiritual truths and ways to grow in their Catholic faith.

Discussion questions for: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

What did you like best about the film or book?

How does the film or book relate to your own experiences of good and evil?
What stories of scripture does this story relate to?

Do some of the characters in the movie relate to Biblical characters? Who and why?

Have you had experiences that mean more than meet the eye, where the truth is discovered in the meaning and not the facts?

What are the consequences of sin, or how would you define sin and its effects in the Christian community?

Which aspect of the story relates to your experience of good and evil?

Which character in the story do you like best and why?

Why is it difficult for people to admit wrong? What would happen if people could be open about their mistakes and not hide them?

Sacrifice means doing something for another and not expecting something in return. We often sacrifice for others in our daily lives. What are some examples of how people sacrifice for others? What are some of the fruits of sacrifice?

Trust and obedience are key aspects of faith. How does God ask us to do things we don’t want to do, and what are the implications of such actions?

What religious truths have you discovered for your own life in this story, and how will it impact your actions and behavior?

The following resources can help parents and parishes discover some of the spiritual truths of The Chronicles of Narnia:

▪ A Guide to Narnia: 100 Questions About the Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Ascension Press, http://www.ascentionpress.com/.

▪ A Family Guide to Narnia: Biblical Truths in C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicle of Narnia. Christin Ditchfield, Crossway Books, 1300 Crescent Street, Wheaton, IL 60817.

Just a reminder that the documentary concerning the St. John's Bible project will air tonight on IPTV at 8:00 p.m.