Monday, August 07, 2006

Creighton Ministry Program

Office of Lay Ecclesial Ministry, Diocese of Des Moines • • 515/237-5026

Diocese of Des Moines and Creighton University
now co-sponsor the Certificate Program in Ministry

“Reading the Old Testament”—
the Fall 2006 course for the Certificate Program—
begins August 25!

The Creighton Certificate Program in Ministry, supported by the St. Joseph Educational Center since 1986, is now
co-sponsored by Creighton University and the Diocese of Des Moines. In this way, the Certificate Program will be
a valuable resource to even more parishes and pastoral ministers throughout the diocese.

This mailing provides up-to-date information about the certificate program and its Fall 2006 course.
Enclosed is a brochure about this fall’s course, “Reading the Old Testament.” The course will be taught by Fr. Jim Laurenzo, a former director of St. Joseph Educational Center and currently pastor of St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Student Center at Drake University.

Dates for the course, “Reading the Old Testament”

Registration and the first class session will be Friday, August 25. You may register between 5:00 and 6:00 pm; the class session will be held 6:00 to 9:00 pm that same evening.

The class will continue on six Saturdays, including the next day—Saturday, August 26. The additional Saturdays are: September 16, September 30, October 28, November 11 and December 2.

The September 30 class session will be held through the ICN (Iowa Communications Network).

Location for the class sessions

The class sessions will be held at All Saints parish center, Stuart. The new parish center provides a comfortable setting for the sessions and enables people from various parts of the diocese to participate more easily. (The one exception is the September 30 session; it will be held through the ICN—Iowa Communications Network.
Various ICN sites that are conveniently located will be reserved for that day.)

Two books required for the course

There are two texts for this course: (a) Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction by Lawrence Boadt and
(b) The Catholic Study Bible, Second Edition, Donald Senior and John J. Collins, editors.

Students need to order these books in advance; they are available at discount through online services such as Amazon or Borders.


Tuition and fees, scholarship, matching funds

Creighton’s tuition rate and registration fee for the course are:
Tuition, for credit: $298 per credit hour (for a 3-credit course, $894)
Tuition for audit: $149 per credit hour (for a 3-credit course, $447)
In addition, the registration fee is $78.

Scholarship for students registering for credit.To each person registering for credit, Creighton provides a Wes Wolfe Scholarship, in the amount of $125.
Matching funds for parish support.We encourage registrants to approach their parish communities about sharing the cost of the cost, since your participation in the Certificate Program will benefit the parish and its ministries. When a parish shares in the costs for this course, the diocese will match that amount to a maximum of $100.

Summary of the costs for the Fall 2006 course:
If for credit, tuition and fees— $972 (tuition plus registration fee)
- $125 (Creighton’s Wes Wolfe scholarship)
- $100 (parish contribution, approx.)
- $100 (maximum diocesan matching funds)
= $647 actual tuition and fees
If for audit, tuition and fees— $525 (tuition plus registration fee)
- $100 (parish contribution, approx.)
- $100 (maximum diocesan matching funds)
= $325 actual tuition and fees

Please indicate if you intend to register for the course—

PLEASE INDICATE BY AUGUST 15 if you intend to register for the course “Reading the Old Testament.”

To do so, you may

Send an email message to about each of two items:
“Yes, I plan to register for this Certificate Program in Ministry course, Reading the Old Testament”
“Yes, I will utilize the matching funds available to match my parish’s share in the cost.”

Please share word of the Certificate Program and this Fall 2006 course with others!

Is there someone else in your parish who would want to participate in this course and others? Share news about the Certificate Program and “Reading the Old Testament” with them! It’s easy to do. Here’s how:

Go to the diocesan web page— —and click the “Faith Formation” button. The Certificate Program brochure is posted there for viewing or printing.

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