Kathy Coffey, mother of four, author, presenter, retreat leader will join us for the annual retreat for Catechetical Leaders (and others) looking for God in the midst of winter’s sometimes barren days. Kathy will share with us her wit and wisdom, humor and humanity, sensitivities to the spirit and sense of the sacred in all of life’s moments.
Her many printed works include:
Immersed in the Sacred: Discovering the “Small S” Sacraments; Hidden Women of the Gospels; God in the Moment: Making Everyday a Prayer; Women of Mercy; and Experiencing God With Your Children
Proposed Schedule
Thursday, February 9
9:30 am Gather
10:00 am Session One
Noon Lunch
1:00 pm Session Two
6:00 pm Dinner
7:30 pm CLADD Meeting and Social
Friday, February 10
8:00 am Breakfast
9:00 am Session Three
Noon Closing Prayer
The retreat will include time for input as well as time for personal reflection.
Room reservations are the responsibility of each participant. Please contact the Hotel Pattee and be sure to mention the Diocese of Des Moines.
Room charge is $119.00 + tax
Hotel Pattee
1112 Willis Avenue
Perry, Iowa 50220
1.888.424.4286 or
Cost for the retreat, including food, materials and social is $60.00 per person.
Registration fee increases $10.00
February 1, 2006
Contact Sherri Simmer, secretary for Faith Formation to obtain a registration form at ssimmer@dmdiocese.org or 515.237.5058.
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