I cam upon this link and thought this might be something you would appreciate knowing about...it would be a great resource for you to introduce families and catehists to...I find it full of information and cleverly designed....
This interactive Advent Calendar can open some doors for all ages to grow into the mystery that is coming to birth!
Monday, December 03, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Faithful Citizenship
In Iowa we surely know that the Presidential Election is right around the corner. The candidates have been among us for months already and we keep bumping into them as the Caucuses draw nearer.
As faithful citizens in this country of ours, we owe it to ourselves and those around us to be informed as the election season continues. Last week at the annual November meeting of the Catholic Bishops, the Bishops approved this election year's version of Faithful Citizenship. The document can be found on line at www.usccb.org; follow the link for the November Bishop's Meeting on the home page. You can also order bulletin insert cards that offer a thumb-nail sketch of the document from the USCCB.
Other websites of interest to you may include the Iowa Catholic Conference at iowacatholicconference.org; the state legislature site at www.legis.state.ia.us; and Iowa Social Action at www.iowasocialaction.org
As faithful citizens in this country of ours, we owe it to ourselves and those around us to be informed as the election season continues. Last week at the annual November meeting of the Catholic Bishops, the Bishops approved this election year's version of Faithful Citizenship. The document can be found on line at www.usccb.org; follow the link for the November Bishop's Meeting on the home page. You can also order bulletin insert cards that offer a thumb-nail sketch of the document from the USCCB.
Other websites of interest to you may include the Iowa Catholic Conference at iowacatholicconference.org; the state legislature site at www.legis.state.ia.us; and Iowa Social Action at www.iowasocialaction.org
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Did You Know that the Paulist's Have an ON-LINE EVANGELIZATION TRAINING PROCESS?
The Paulist's, known for their work in Evangelization ministry for a great many years has a training process available on line. Below you will find the information concerning the coursese they have available at this time.
For more information, please visit their website, www.pncea.org
Instructor: Rev. Anthony F. Krisak, STD, PNCEA director of training and online services
• Text (required): From Maintenance to Mission: Evangelization and the Revitalization of the Parish by Rev. Robert S. Rivers, CSP. (Item 0310, It will take about one week for the book to be delivered.)
• Dates: September 10-December 2, 2007 (Sessions will open on the Monday of each week and remain open 24/7 until the end of the course.)
• Registration: $240.00 plus text.
Each week participants read a chapter of the text (must be purchased separately), view instructor input, post responses to online questions, read and respond to the input of the other participants. Plan to devote two to three hours per week (all at once or broken up into smaller time segments) to complete the reading and participate in session activities. Participants who contribute to each week’s discussion will receive a certificate at the end of the course.
Item 8151 The Paulist Evangelization Training Institute (PETI) will offer its online course Go and Make Disciples from September 10-October 21, 2007. The six-week Go and Make Disciples (GMD)Study/Discussion course is recommended for pastoral staff members and volunteer leaders (pastoral councils, evangelization committees) who are looking for a way to get started in advancing the mission of evangelization in their parish. In the first part of the course, participants will gain a basic understanding of the foundational documents of Catholic evangelization (see required texts below). In the second part, participants will examine evangelization in their own parish in light of the three goals of GMD and draft a plan of action for their own parish. Participants are encouraged to do the planning activities in the second half of the course with representative staff and interested parishioners. Each of these will also need a copy of the Planning Worksheets (see below). In the future, you will also be able to use the content and process of this course in your parish with those who will be implementing the goals of GMD with you. Registrations accepted until 5:00 pm EDT, September 6, 2007.
• Instructor: Sr. Susan Wolf, SND, PNCEA Executive Director and creator of Planning Worksheets for Goals I, II and III of Go and Make Disciples.
o Item 0452 Go and Make Disciples: A National Plan and Strategy for Catholic Evangelization in the Tenth Anniversary Edition;
o Item 0400 On Evangelization in the Modern World; and
o Item 0205 Planning Worksheets for Goals I, II and III of Go and Make Disciples: A National Plan and Strategy for Catholic Evangelization in the U.S
• Dates: September 10-October 21, 2007. Weekly lessons will open on the Monday of each week and remain open 24/7 until the end of the course.
• Registration: $150 plus texts.
For more information, please visit their website, www.pncea.org
Instructor: Rev. Anthony F. Krisak, STD, PNCEA director of training and online services
• Text (required): From Maintenance to Mission: Evangelization and the Revitalization of the Parish by Rev. Robert S. Rivers, CSP. (Item 0310, It will take about one week for the book to be delivered.)
• Dates: September 10-December 2, 2007 (Sessions will open on the Monday of each week and remain open 24/7 until the end of the course.)
• Registration: $240.00 plus text.
Each week participants read a chapter of the text (must be purchased separately), view instructor input, post responses to online questions, read and respond to the input of the other participants. Plan to devote two to three hours per week (all at once or broken up into smaller time segments) to complete the reading and participate in session activities. Participants who contribute to each week’s discussion will receive a certificate at the end of the course.
Item 8151 The Paulist Evangelization Training Institute (PETI) will offer its online course Go and Make Disciples from September 10-October 21, 2007. The six-week Go and Make Disciples (GMD)Study/Discussion course is recommended for pastoral staff members and volunteer leaders (pastoral councils, evangelization committees) who are looking for a way to get started in advancing the mission of evangelization in their parish. In the first part of the course, participants will gain a basic understanding of the foundational documents of Catholic evangelization (see required texts below). In the second part, participants will examine evangelization in their own parish in light of the three goals of GMD and draft a plan of action for their own parish. Participants are encouraged to do the planning activities in the second half of the course with representative staff and interested parishioners. Each of these will also need a copy of the Planning Worksheets (see below). In the future, you will also be able to use the content and process of this course in your parish with those who will be implementing the goals of GMD with you. Registrations accepted until 5:00 pm EDT, September 6, 2007.
• Instructor: Sr. Susan Wolf, SND, PNCEA Executive Director and creator of Planning Worksheets for Goals I, II and III of Go and Make Disciples.
o Item 0452 Go and Make Disciples: A National Plan and Strategy for Catholic Evangelization in the Tenth Anniversary Edition;
o Item 0400 On Evangelization in the Modern World; and
o Item 0205 Planning Worksheets for Goals I, II and III of Go and Make Disciples: A National Plan and Strategy for Catholic Evangelization in the U.S
• Dates: September 10-October 21, 2007. Weekly lessons will open on the Monday of each week and remain open 24/7 until the end of the course.
• Registration: $150 plus texts.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Would you like a Daily Meditation from Henri Nouwen in your E-mail box?

The Henri Nouwen Society provides a free daily meditation for anyone who would like to receive it. The meditations are short but thought provoking. The meditations are based on the works of noted author and spiritual guide Henri Nouwen.
Follow the link below if you are interested!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
The Baptismal Catechumenate: What is it?
In recent months there has been more conversation about the Baptismal Catechumenate as the Inspiration for all Catechesis. Many people have been asking what that means for what we are already doing in our faith formation sessions.
On Saturday, November 10th, Jerry Galipeau from World Library Publicaitons in Chicago will be with us in Stuart of a full day workshop that will help all involved in faith formation to better understand what the Baptismal Catechumenate has to offer all of us in our ministry and in our parish life. Plan now to attend!
For more information, please visit the diocesan web site at www.dmdiocese.org then follow the link for FAITH FORMATION!
On Saturday, November 10th, Jerry Galipeau from World Library Publicaitons in Chicago will be with us in Stuart of a full day workshop that will help all involved in faith formation to better understand what the Baptismal Catechumenate has to offer all of us in our ministry and in our parish life. Plan now to attend!
For more information, please visit the diocesan web site at www.dmdiocese.org then follow the link for FAITH FORMATION!
Spanish Classes set to Begin!
Here is a great opportunity for learning Spanish—to begin or to continue!
The sessions include both speaking and reading Spanish.
Three special series—each series will meet for five weeks—
begins on Monday, September 10.
Each series will meet on Mondays, 7:00-8:30 PM, at the Pastoral Center, 601 Grand Ave.
Cost for each 5-week series is $25 (plus books if needed).
You may register for one or more of these series.
Series #1: food, cultures and customs of five Latin American countries.
Series #2: praying in Spanish—learning the liturgy, songs and the scriptures in Spanish
Series #3: Christmas in Mexico—the festivals and customs of Mexico marking Advent and Christmas
A special invitation is extended to parish staffs, school faculties and catechists. The series are also open to all interested persons.
For more information, contact the faith formation department (237-5058; formation@dmdiocese.org).
The sessions include both speaking and reading Spanish.
Three special series—each series will meet for five weeks—
begins on Monday, September 10.
Each series will meet on Mondays, 7:00-8:30 PM, at the Pastoral Center, 601 Grand Ave.
Cost for each 5-week series is $25 (plus books if needed).
You may register for one or more of these series.
Series #1: food, cultures and customs of five Latin American countries.
Series #2: praying in Spanish—learning the liturgy, songs and the scriptures in Spanish
Series #3: Christmas in Mexico—the festivals and customs of Mexico marking Advent and Christmas
A special invitation is extended to parish staffs, school faculties and catechists. The series are also open to all interested persons.
For more information, contact the faith formation department (237-5058; formation@dmdiocese.org).
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
A Quote from Timothy Radcliffe!
Clearly a big challenge for Christianity is how to remain in contact with the millions of people who look for God but do not come to Church. Timothy Radcliffe
Father Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. will be speaking in Iowa City in March, 2008. His presentation in Iowa is being cosponsored by the Diocese of Des Moines along with the Archdiocese of Dubuque and the Diocese of Davenport. For more information, visit the diocesan website at www.dmdiocese.org then click FAITH FORMATION!
Hope to see you there!
Father Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. will be speaking in Iowa City in March, 2008. His presentation in Iowa is being cosponsored by the Diocese of Des Moines along with the Archdiocese of Dubuque and the Diocese of Davenport. For more information, visit the diocesan website at www.dmdiocese.org then click FAITH FORMATION!
Hope to see you there!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Father Timothy Radcliffe Coming to Iowa!
Father Timothy Radclilffe, O.P.
Father Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. will be engaging us in conversation and reflection in March of 2008 in Iowa City. This opportunity is open for all and is cosponsored by the Archdiocese of Dubuque and the dioceses of Davenport and Des Moines.
Father Timothy is the former major superior of his religious community. He is an internationally known speaker and retreat leader. One of his most recent books, What is the Point of Being a Christian, has been well received and will form the basis of a good portion of his conversation in March.
For more information regarding this formative opportunity, please visit the website of the Diocese of Des Moines at www.dmdiocese.org and click "faith formation."
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Lenter Offerings at Emmaus House!
t Home Retreat for Seniors
Dates: (Tuesdays) March 6, 13, 20, 27 and April 3 2007
Theme: Praying with the Passion of Jesus
Time: 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Fee: $10.00 per session or $50.00 for the series
(Pray at home daily and share faith with others on the journey.)
Catholic Singles’ Retreat
Date: March 10, 2007
Theme: Prayer: Neither informed nor convinced
Time: 9-Noon, Fee: $15.00
(Continental breakfast included)
Lenten Reflections
Theme: “Pray that you may not undergo the test” (Lk.22:40)
Date: March 17, 2007
Time: 9-1 p.m.; Fee: $25.00
(Continental breakfast included)
*Nonrefundable deposit of $15.00 requested with registration
An Introduction to Centering Prayer
Date: April 28, 2007
Time: 9-3:00 p.m.; Fee: $35.00
(Continental breakfast & lunch are included)
*Nonrefundable deposit of $15.00 requested with registration
***To register for these retreats please call: 515-282-4839
Dates: (Tuesdays) March 6, 13, 20, 27 and April 3 2007
Theme: Praying with the Passion of Jesus
Time: 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Fee: $10.00 per session or $50.00 for the series
(Pray at home daily and share faith with others on the journey.)
Catholic Singles’ Retreat
Date: March 10, 2007
Theme: Prayer: Neither informed nor convinced
Time: 9-Noon, Fee: $15.00
(Continental breakfast included)
Lenten Reflections
Theme: “Pray that you may not undergo the test” (Lk.22:40)
Date: March 17, 2007
Time: 9-1 p.m.; Fee: $25.00
(Continental breakfast included)
*Nonrefundable deposit of $15.00 requested with registration
An Introduction to Centering Prayer
Date: April 28, 2007
Time: 9-3:00 p.m.; Fee: $35.00
(Continental breakfast & lunch are included)
*Nonrefundable deposit of $15.00 requested with registration
***To register for these retreats please call: 515-282-4839
Friday, February 16, 2007
Lenten Resource for Small Group Faith Sharing Available!
Each year, Fr. John Ludwig, pastor of St. John the Apostle in Norwalk, Iowa provides a terrific little Lenten resource to assist small groups in focusing on the Sunday Lectionary. If you would like a copy of the material Fr. John has prepared for this year, simply email Cheryl Fournier at cfournier@dmdiocese.org. It will be forwarded to you as a WORD DOCUMENT.
LITURGY, THE 'FONT and SUMMIT' of Faith Formation

Liturgy Resource Day Workshop
With Father Michael Joncas, author, teacher, and composer of liturgical music (On Eagles Wings; As Morning Breaks;Holy Is God, Holy and Strong; Praise His Name; O Healing River, just to name a few)
Saturday March 10, 2007
All Saints Parish Center, Stuart, IA
9:00 AM-2:30PM
Registration & Hospitality 8:30 AM
Lunch Included
Registration $25.00 per person
After March 2nd, add $5
For brochure or to register
Office of Faith Formation • Diocese of Des Moines
601 Grand Avenue • Des Moines, IA 50309-2501
515/237-5058 • formation@dmdiocese.org
Monday, February 12, 2007
There will be 8 regional gatherings around the Diocese to discuss and break open the recently promulgated Pastoral Plan for Catechesis. Bishop Charron has called for these gatherings so that those who serve in leadership capacities throughout the Diocese will have an opportunity to interact with the staff and members of the Diocesan Council for Catechesis as they together live into the plan. Dates and locations are listed below. RSVPs are necessary so that materials and refreshments may be prepared accordingly.
March 13 Council Bluffs Queen of Apostles
March 15 W. Des Moines St. Francis
March 15 Anita St. Mary
March 19 Creston Holy Spirit
March 20 Harlan St. Michael
March 26 Osceola St. Bernard
March 27 Des Moines All Saints
April 12 Red Oak St. Mary
March 13 Council Bluffs Queen of Apostles
March 15 W. Des Moines St. Francis
March 15 Anita St. Mary
March 19 Creston Holy Spirit
March 20 Harlan St. Michael
March 26 Osceola St. Bernard
March 27 Des Moines All Saints
April 12 Red Oak St. Mary
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
God, Can You Hear Me Now>
God, Can You Hear Me Now?
Prayer is an essential element of our relationship with God, yet many people struggle with their prayer life. During this day, we will experience different ways of praying that will include the use of scripture, contemplative forms of prayer, journaling and praying with others. We will also explore different aspects of the spiritual journey from writers like Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, and Thomas Merton. Bring a bible and come prepared to take a journey into prayer!
Presented by David Butel, Pastoral Associate and Spiritual Director at St. Thomas More Parish in Kansas City, MO. Many will recognize David as a former spiritual director and instructor at St. Joseph’s Education Center in Des Moines.
Saturday, February 10
9 AM to 1 PM
Continental breakfast & snacks provided.
St. Francis of Assisi Parish
7075 Ashworth Road
West Des Moines
Large Meeting Room
Please call 223-4577 to sign up. There is no charge for this workshop.
Prayer is an essential element of our relationship with God, yet many people struggle with their prayer life. During this day, we will experience different ways of praying that will include the use of scripture, contemplative forms of prayer, journaling and praying with others. We will also explore different aspects of the spiritual journey from writers like Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, and Thomas Merton. Bring a bible and come prepared to take a journey into prayer!
Presented by David Butel, Pastoral Associate and Spiritual Director at St. Thomas More Parish in Kansas City, MO. Many will recognize David as a former spiritual director and instructor at St. Joseph’s Education Center in Des Moines.
Saturday, February 10
9 AM to 1 PM
Continental breakfast & snacks provided.
St. Francis of Assisi Parish
7075 Ashworth Road
West Des Moines
Large Meeting Room
Please call 223-4577 to sign up. There is no charge for this workshop.
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