Zeni Fox
Professor, Pastoral Theology,
Immaculate Conception Seminary, Seton Hall University
Varieties of Gifts, But the Same Spirit, Varieties of Ministries,
But the Same Lord (I Corinthians)
In the Church today, we have a renewed unfolding of this vision of ministry. Why is this so? What are the gifts of this moment? The challenges? We will explore answers to these questions, drawing on Scripture, Church documents (including Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord) and the experience of lay and ordained leaders in the Diocese of Des Moines, and the church in the United States.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
All Saint’s Parish Hall
216 All Saints Drive, Stuart, Iowa 50250
$25.00 per person, morning hospitality and lunch included
For more information: 515-237-5058
Email: formation@dmdiocese.org
Web: http://www.dmdiocese.org/
Then click “Faith Formation”
Zeni Fox workshop • registration form
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Address: Street City State ZIP
Telephone: (______) (day) (______) (evening)
¨ Register me for the October 19 workshop with author Zeni Fox @ $25.00 each
Send completed form and payment to:
Diocese of Des Moines, Faith Formation - Sherri
601 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50309
Ø Total Enclosed $__________