Friday, December 17, 2010

Digital Catechesis?!

As the season of Advent winds down and we move more directly toward Christmas, I simply wanted to share a link to the The Digital Story of the Nativity  .  This is a creative representation of the Christmas story.  I hope you who are "digitally initiated" will find this intriguing and perhaps spur your reflection on the meaning of the Nativity anew!


Monday, November 15, 2010


Advent, the beginning of the new Church year will be here before we know it.  The Evangelization and Adult Faith Formation page of the Diocesan Website lists two very good resources for celebrating Advent and preparing for Christmas.  ( )

I would like to also draw your attention to the Center for Ministry Development website which is providing free resources linked to the Scriptures for each Sunday of Advent.  Here is the link. 

I do believe you will find these resources easy to use.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Roman Missal Coming in Advent, 2011

The Third Edition of the Roman Missal will replace the current Missal on November 27, 2011.  For more information about the Missal, please consult the Worship Office pages of the Diocese of Des Moines website ( as well as the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website (

Friday, October 01, 2010

Friday, September 03, 2010

Season Three to Begin!

On a Journey Together

Living in Christ is the title for the third season of our process of evangelization and renewal in the diocese of Des Moines. Parishes will be beginning this season within the next month or so. If you have not yet participated and are interested in doing so, please contact your local parish. If you have been an active participant, contact your Core Team for information about the first large group and the schedule for the small faith sharing groups.

If you need to order materials, please contact Sherri Simmer, the administrative secretary for the Department of Evangelization and Catechesis at or (515)237-5058.

For more information, please feel free to contact Dr. Cheryl Fournier, director of Evangelization and Adult Faith Formation at or (515)237-5006.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Dr. Ed Hahnenberg to Speak in Ames in March

Dr. Ed Hahnenberg, Ph.D

You may not know the name, but the person is well worth hearing!

Dr. Edward Hahnenberg, associate professor of theology at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio will be the presenter at the All-Iowa Faith Formation Conference to be held at the Gateway Center in Ames, March 14-15.

Dr. Hahnenberg has published many articles in various magazines and journals and also to his credit are two fine books, A Concise Guide to the Documents of Vatican Council II and Ministries: A Relational Approach.

Dr. Hahnenberg’s topic for the March conference is Ministries at the Margins: The Call to Serve Christ’s Mission. He will be addressing the cultural reality in which we minister and serve the Church today. In commenting on the presentations for his time with us in March, Dr. Hahnenberg has stated, “This time demands a new look at strategies that will adequately equip the minister for service to the people of God and also a renewed sense of spirituality that will sustain the minister and the ministry as we move forward.”

Plan now to join us in March!
Registration information is available at

Monday, January 04, 2010

Paulist National Catholic Evangelization E-Learning Opportunities

The Paulist National Catholic Evangelization AssociationWashington, DC
You don't have to travel to hear from the experts! You don't need to set aside large blocks of time to join in discussions and meetings with students from all over the U.S.!
With PNCEA's Paulist Evangelization Training Institute, online courses on parish-based evangelization bring presentations from experts on reaching out to seekers & inactive Catholics and on sharing your faith with others. Presentations and discussions are open 24/7 and the time for joining in is at your convenience, day or night.
Click to register now for coursesthat begin on January 25, 2010!